About the Greater Green Bay YMCA and the YMCA Mission Skip to main content


Mission: To put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind, and body for all.

The YMCA is a cause driven non-profit organization dedicated to strengthening our communities in spirit, mind and body. Much more than just a fitness center, we focus on youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility as well. At the Y we know we aren't simply in the community, but a part of it, and when we strengthen others we strengthen ourselves. Welcome to the Y. You belong here. 

Ever since we were founded in 1871, we have worked side-by-side with our neighbors to make sure that everyone—regardless of age, income, or background—has the opportunity to learn, grow, and thrive through programs and services at our 5 centers. Everyone belongs at the YMCA, regardless of income level.



Original Ferguson downtown building

Our History

George Williams really started something back in 1844! Without fully realizing how it was going to develop, the young London man founded the Young Men’s Christian Association, more commonly known as the YMCA. George Williams moved to London in 1841; this was his first exposure to life in the big city and what he saw and experienced in the next few years was instrumental in his resolve to form an association with other young men which would help them maintain their self-respect and deepen their commitment to the Christian faith. From this modest beginning, the Young Men’s Christian Association was formed. The concept of the YMCA movement was brought to North America; Montreal and Boston formed the first two North American Young Men's Christian Associations. By 1854, there were 36 associations with 14,000 members in the United States and Canada.


Code of Conduct

 The Greater Green Bay YMCA (“the Y”) is committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all. To promote safety and comfort, the Y asks all persons to act appropriately at all times in our facilities, on Y property, and while participating in our programs.

Abuse or Mistreatment

The Y’s top priority is keeping everyone, including youth and vulnerable populations, safe. Any form of abuse or mistreatment of consumers, employees, and volunteers is prohibited. Consumers shall not abuse or mistreat employees, volunteers, or other consumers in any way. Use of abusive language, obscene or profane language, including racial, religious, or sexual references directed at other people will not be tolerated. It is important to treat others as you would like to be treated.

Consumers shall not engage in verbal, emotional, physical, or sexual abuse or mistreatment of other consumers, employees, or volunteers.

Appropriate Verbal Interactions

Inappropriate Verbal Interactions

  • Appropriate jokes
  • Encouragement
  • Praise
  • Name-calling
  • Bullying
  • Ridicule or Humiliation
  • Discussing sexual encounters
  • Cursing
  • Hazing
  • Off-color or sexual jokes
  • Shaming
  • Belittling
  • Derogatory Remarks
  • Harsh language that may frighten, threaten, or humiliate another consumer
  • Derogatory remarks about another consumer or their family
  • Inappropriate games like “Truth or Dare” or “Never Have I Ever”


Consumers shall not engage in the physical abuse or mistreatment of other consumers, employees, or volunteers.  These types of behaviors include, but are not limited to:

Appropriate Physical Interactions

Inappropriate Physical Interactions

  • Side hugs
  • Shoulder-to-shoulder or “temple” hugs
  • Pats on the shoulder or back
  • Handshakes
  • High-fives and hand slapping
  • Verbal praise
  • Pats on the head when culturally appropriate
  • Touching hands, shoulders, and arms
  • Arms around shoulders
  • Full-frontal hugs
  • Kisses
  • Showing affection in isolated areas
  • Lap sitting
  • Wrestling
  • Piggyback rides
  • Tickling
  • Exposing oneself
  • Any type of massage
  • Hitting, spanking, shaking, slapping, etc.


Electronic Communications

All communication between employees/volunteers and youth must be approved by a consumer’s parents/guardians and must be in an open electronic environment. The “Rule of Three” must be observed in all electronic communications between youth and employees/volunteers. For example, there should be two employees/volunteers included in text messages and emails with youth. Direct, private messaging between youth and employees/volunteers is not allowed. Employees and volunteers are not permitted to befriend/follow youth on social networking or social media sites.

Youth participants will comply with the organization’s policies governing the use of personal mobile communication devices.

Personal Relationships

Appropriate and supportive personal relationships between consumers are encouraged. However, the Y strongly discourages romantic relationships between consumers while engaged in programming. Consumers, no matter the age, may not hold hands, sit on others’ laps, kiss, or engage in other physical or sexual contact with other consumers while in programming.

Additionally, there should never be, under any condition, a romantic or otherwise sexual relationship between a consumer and an employee or volunteer.

One-on-One Interactions with Youth

Most abuse occurs when an adult is alone with youth, or when a youth person is alone with another youth person. Our organization aims to eliminate or reduce these situations and prohibits private one-on-one interactions unless approved in advance by Y leadership. If you observe one-on-one interactions between an employee and a youth person, you should report this to the VP/Chief People Officer & Chief Risk Officer at 920-436-9556.

Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco

Possession and/or use of alcoholic beverages, drugs, and tobacco products while at the organization is strictly prohibited. Consumers will not be permitted to participate in any program while under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or illicit substances.


We want our organization to be a safe place for all individuals. Weapons, and items that may be considered weapons, are prohibited. Anyone found to be in possession of such items will be required to leave and the items will be confiscated. The authorities may be notified as appropriate.


Our organization seeks to provide a safe environment for individuals in our community. Violence and threats of violence will not be tolerated at our organization, on our grounds, in our facilities, in other facilities being utilized or visited by our organization, or during organization-sponsored activities and events. Employees are available to assist in the resolution of differences.


The Y will not tolerate the mistreatment or abuse of one consumer by another consumer. Bullying is aggressive behavior that is intentional, is repeated over time, and involves an imbalance of power or strength. Bullying can take on various forms including:

  • Physical bullying – when one person engages in physical force against another person, such as by hitting, punching, pushing, kicking, pinching, or restraining another.
  • Verbal bullying – when someone uses their words to hurt another, such as by belittling or calling another hurtful name.
  • Nonverbal or relational bullying – when one person manipulates a relationship or desired relationship to harm another person. This includes social exclusion, friendship manipulation, or gossip. This type of bullying also includes intimidating another person by using gestures.
  • Cyberbullying – the intentional and overt act of aggression toward another person by way of any technological tool, such as email, instant messages, text messages, digital pictures or images, or website postings (including blogs). Cyberbullying can involve:
    • Sending mean, vulgar, or threatening messages or images.
    • Posting sensitive, private information about another person.
    • Pretending to be someone else in order to make that person look bad;
    • Intentionally excluding someone from an online group.
    • Hazing – an activity expected of someone joining or participating in a group that humiliates, degrades, abuses, or endangers that person regardless of that person’s willingness to participate.
    • Sexualized bullying – when bullying involves behaviors that are sexual in nature. Examples of sexualized bullying behaviors include sexting, bullying that involves exposures of private body parts, and verbal bullying involving sexualized language or innuendos.

Anyone who sees an act of bullying, and who then encourages it, is engaging in bullying. This policy applies to all consumers, employees, and volunteers.

Disruptive Behavior

We take pride in the integrity of the Y and we always want to ensure individuals are safe. Inappropriate or disruptive behavior is not permitted in our organization. This includes, but is not limited to, graffiti, littering, spitting, or throwing objects that could intentionally or unintentionally harm others or cause disorder.

Photo Policy

Photography of any kind within the YMCA or site will not be permitted without prior consent.  In instances in which permission is granted, the images must exclude any individual(s) who have not previously signed a YMCA Photo Release Form. Failure to support this policy may result in the confiscation of the photographic/video image and the involvement of law enforcement.

Other Unacceptable Behaviors

Other behaviors that are not permitted at the Y include, but are not limited to:

  • Smoking on YMCA property.  This includes vaping and e-cigarettes.
  • Inappropriate or revealing attire.  This includes clothing that contains language that promotes hate, profanity, drug references, sexual content, etc.
  • Using YMCA facilities to work with a “client” for a fee without being an employee of the YMCA.
  • Theft or behavior that otherwise results in the destruction and/or loss of property.
  • Loitering on YMCA property after being requested to leave.
  • Use of social networking sites in a manner that is contrary to the YMCA’s mission, is detrimental to the community, or is in violation of the law.

In addition, the YMCA reserves the right to deny access or membership to any person who has been accused or convicted of any crime involving sexual abuse, is or has been a registered sex offender, has ever been convicted of any offense related to the sale, possession and /or transportation of illegal drugs, or is currently under the influence of illegal or dangerous drugs or chemicals, narcotics, or intoxicating beverages.


Because the Y is dedicated to maintaining zero tolerance for abuse, it is imperative that everyone actively participate in the protection of consumers. In the event that a consumer observes or learns of any suspicious or inappropriate behaviors and/or policy violations on the part of other employees, volunteers, or other consumers, it is their personal responsibility to immediately report their observations or concerns.

Examples of Inappropriate Behaviors Between Employees/Volunteers and Youth Include:

  • Violation of any abuse prevention policies outlined by the Y
  • Seeking private time or one-on-one time with another consumer
  • Buying gifts for individual consumers
  • Making suggestive comments to consumers
  • Picking favorites

Consumers are encouraged to report concerns or complaints about other employees, volunteers, and other consumers to the VP/Chief People Officer & Chief Risk Office at 920-436-9556.

Suspension or termination of YMCA membership may result from a violation of this Code of Conduct. While an incident is being investigated, the membership of the person(s) accused of violating this Code of Conduct may be temporarily suspended pending a final decision. 

Facility Guidelines

In order to provide a safe environment for all our participants, who utilize the YMCA facilities, the following facility use guidelines and policies have been developed. We greatly appreciate the cooperation of all our members in creating a safe atmosphere at the YMCA.

General Facility

  • All members much present their membership card at Member Service Desk desk each time they enter. Guests must register and show photo ID with Member Services Desk to gain access to facility.
  • Members and guests age 7 and under must be accompanied by a parent/caregiver in the facility, unless in an organized program. This includes racquetball courts and gymnasiums.
  • Members and guests age 8 and older may be in the YMCA facility without a parent/caregiver. The YMCA is not responsible should they be left alone on the property, unless they are enrolled and participating in an organized YMCA program.
  • All persons are expected to behave in a way that shows respect and caring for others. Please review YMCA Code of Conduct.
  • The Y reserves the right to take photographs of members and guests participating in YMCA activities to be used in promotional literature.
  • Members and guests are to identify themselves to staff when asked.
  • The Y is not responsible for any accidents. All individuals participate at their own risk. Please immediately report any accident or emergency to the Member Service Desk. Our staff is trained to assist in emergency situations.
  • Service animals that are trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability is allowed in our facilities. Emotional support animals, comfort animals and therapy dogs are not service animals under ADA, and therefore not allowed in our facilities. Pets and all other species of animals or dogs that are not service animals as not allowed in our facilities.

Child Watch

  • Parents MUST remain at the same YMCA Center as their child(ren) while utilizing Child Watch. 
  • Child Watch is designed for children ages 6 weeks to 7 years old. Older children are welcome, but please remember the environment is for the younger child.
  • No snacks are permitted in Child Watch. Sippy/no-spill cups may be brought in and must be labeled with the child’s name. Labeled bottles can be given per your request and must be prepared by you ahead of time.
  • If the child experiences a long period of adjustment (i.e. continued crying after being comforted for 10-15 minutes), the staff will contact you to return to comfort your child, or remove from Child Watch.
  • If the behavior of the child is inappropriate for interaction in a group setting, the parent will be notified. For extreme behavior, the YMCA reserves the right to ask that a child not return for a specified period of time.
  • Parents must furnish supplies in a LABELED bag. If not completely toilet trained, please use a pull-up, diaper, etc. and include wipes, extra pants, etc. Your child will not be allowed to stay in Child Watch without the appropriate supplies.
  • Shoes must be worn in Child Watch. Exception: non-walkers. During the winter months when boots are worn and shoes are forgotten, boots will be worn.
  • Please refer to our website for current Child Watch hours.


  • Proper swim attire must be worn in the pool and whirlpool. Children are required to wear swim diapers under snug fitting swimsuit if they are not completely toilet trained. No revealing swim suits, cutoffs, t-shirts, shorts, or other loose clothing.
  • Children age 7 and under must be accompanied in the water by a parent/caregiver (age 16+) at all times when using a YMCA swimming pool, unless in an organized, supervised program such as swim lessons. The ratio of children under age 7 to adults should not exceed 4:1 in non-program activities.
  • Youth ages 8 and older that would like to use a pool in water depths that exceed heights of the individual will need to take a swim test. For your safety, lifeguards are on duty at all times pools are open; their decisions are final.
  • Food, drink, and gum are not permitted in pool area (plastic water bottles are OK).
  • All strollers, car seats, and street shoes are to be left in the locker rooms.
  • Please lock your belongings in a locker. The Y is not responsible for personal property that has been lost, damaged, or stolen.
  • Breath holding techniques or activities are prohibited.
  • Water wings and other inflatable devices, face masks or mermaid tails are not permitted in the pools. The Y has swim lesson float belts and Personal Floatation Devices available for use. Coast guard approved PFDs brought from home are acceptable.
  • The Y provides a basket of various pool toys to be used during open swim, please do not bring items from home.
  • Flippers and pool buoys are to be used for circle swimmers only.
  • Profanity, running, or rough play will not be tolerated in the pool area.
  • Diving is allowed in designated areas only. Diving blocks may only be used for instructional purposes. No backward dives, flips or splash entries.
  • Please do not sit or hang on lane lines or life lines, and keep the stair and entry and exit areas clear unless entering or exiting pool.
  • Lap swimmers must circle swim when two or more swimmers share a lane.
  • If a child is asked to perform a swim test, child will jump into pool, submerge, swim 25-yards front crawl in good form followed by treading water for 30 seconds.
  • Please respect all requests made by Aquatics staff. Lifeguards have the authority to disallow any activity deemed unsafe.
  • Pool areas close 10 minutes prior to building closing.

Pool Viewing Access

  • We have designated pool viewing areas for lessons, please ask staff on duty to share where these are located.
  • Parents/Caregivers can accompany children on deck the first day of class only, remaining lessons, please watch from viewing area.
  • Street clothes are permitted when accompanying your child on the pool deck, but we ask that you remove your street shoes.
  • For safety reasons, stroller and car seats are not allowed past the locker room doors. 
  • We recommend that parents remain in the building while child (<8 years) is in class should they need assistance in the bathroom or locker room.


  • Ages 14+ may use the whirlpool.
  • Per Wisconsin State Codes, children under 6 years old are NOT permitted in whirlpool.
  • Whirlpool temperature is maintained at 101-104 degrees Fahrenheit. Please limit use to 10 minutes.
  • Aerobic exercise and underwater submersion is prohibited in the whirlpool.
  • Whirlpool is not recommended immediately after intense physical activity or after sauna or steam room use.
  • Pregnant women and patrons with epilepsy, cardiovascular or respiratory problems, heart disease, diabetes, or high/low blood pressure should not use whirlpool.
  • Shaving, scents or washing of the body is not allowed.
  • Enter and exit slowly and cautiously.

Sauna & Steam Room

  • Limit use to 10 minutes.
  • Adults age 18 and older only.
  • Aerobic exercise is prohibited in sauna and steam rooms.
  • Sauna and/or Steam Room is not recommended immediately after intense physical activity or after whirlpool use.
  • Pregnant women and patrons with epilepsy, cardiovascular or respiratory problems, heart disease, diabetes, or high/low blood pressure should not use sauna or steam room.
  • Appropriate swim attire must be worn at all times. Towels are not considered attire. 
  • Shaving, pumice, scents, oils, or washing of body is not allowed.


  • NO food or drink allowed in the gym. Covered water bottles only.
  • Gym bags and other personal belongings are not to be brought into the gym. Please secure your personal belongings in a locker or designated area while at the Y.
  • No dunking or grabbing on the rims or nets at any time.
  • Proper athletic attire and non-marking athletic shoes must be worn in the gym.
  • Please return all basketballs to the ball racks when finished playing.
  • NO kicking or inappropriate use of equipment or balls, and keep balls away from ceiling, lights and walls.
  • Be respectful of others by refraining from use of profanity, fighting, excessive yelling, unnecessary aggressiveness, and unsportsman-like conduct.
  • Full court basketball is not permitted during open gym times.
  • All members, of any age or skill level, are allowed equal opportunity for gym use and to become involved in any activities taking place during open gym.


  • Members and guests ages 6-7 may use the track accompanied by an adult/caregiver (ages 16+).
  • Members and guests ages 8 and up may use the track at any time.
  • For you and your child’s protection, please NO strollers or car seats on the track.
  • Follow directional signage.
  • Walkers on inside lanes, runners on outside lanes.


  • Protective eyewear highly recommended. Check out racquets and balls at the member service desk.

Wellness Center

  • Members and guests age 7 and under are not permitted in the Wellness Center.
  • After the Family Wellness Center Orientation is completed, members and guests ages 8-10 may use the wellness center cardio machines only when accompanied by a parent/caregiver (ages 16+). Orange wristband must be worn to identify orientation is complete.
  • After Youth Wellness Center Orientation is completed, members and guests ages 11-13 may use the Wellness Center excluding the free weights. Green wristband must be worn to identify orientation is complete.
  • Members and guests age 14 and older may have full access to the Wellness Center.
  • Be mindful of others. Allow others to perform a set and work through while you are at rest.
  • Don’t drop heavy weights or dumbbells or “bang” weights. Spotters are recommended in the free weight area.
  • Re-rack your weights. Always return equipment to the proper storage area when you are finished.
  • Keep our Wellness Center clean. Wipe off machines and equipment with provided disinfectant wipes after each use.
  • Lock up gym bags, coats & personal items. Lockers prevent loss and create a clean culture.
  • Proper workout attire and clean shoes are required. No open-toed shoes.
  • Be courteous of using cell phones and personal devices when in the Wellness Center. Personal music without earbuds is not allowed.
  • No food or drink allowed in the exercise areas. Covered and contained water bottles only.
  • Outside personal trainers are not permitted to train clients within the Y. The Y has personal trainers available on staff.

Group Exercise Area

  • Members and guests age 6 and older may participate in family fitness classes.
  • Members and guests ages 8-13 may participate in youth fitness classes.
  • Members and guests age 14 and older are welcome to participate in any group exercise class.
  • For safety of all class participants, children not participating in a class are not to be in the group exercise studio during class. 
  • Please respect other members and guests and wait until classes have ended before setting up equipment for a following class.
  • Out of courtesy to other members and guests, do not interrupt fitness classes that are in session.
  • It is your responsibility to put away all equipment used in fitness classes.
  • Equipment for each fitness class is provided. Personal items & equipment are not permitted in the studios. Please use lockers or designated area.
  • Food, drink and gum is not permitted in the class areas, covered water bottles only.

Locker Rooms

  • Men’s (male 18+) and Women’s (female 18+) are reserved for adults ages 19 and older only. For the respect and comfort of all members, children under age 18 are not allowed in adult locker room at any time.
  • Family Locker Rooms is for use by an adult with opposite sex children and people with special needs only.
  • Adults with children of the same gender and anyone under age 18 are to use the appropriate Youth Male (Boys) or Youth Female (Girls) locker rooms. 
  • Lockers are for daily use only. Unauthorized locks left overnight will be cut and contents removed. Permanent lockers in the Men’s and Women’s locker rooms may be rented for a monthly fee. 
  • Please lock your items in a locker. Locks are available for purchase at the Member Service Desk.
  • Cell phone and camera use of any kind is prohibited in the locker rooms.

Member Dress Code

  • Please embrace the family friendly environment of your Y. Attire must be appropriate for the activity, adequately cover the body, and be free of any vulgar or profane writing or pictures. Swim suits are only to be worn in the pool areas. Shoes, shorts, and shirt are to be worn in other areas of the facility.

Lost & Found

  • The Y is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged items. The lost and found is located at the Member Service desk. We will keep items for 2 weeks. If not claimed, they will be given to local charity.
Membership Policies

We reserve the right to enforce all YMCA policies. Failure to adhere to any and all of these may result in loss of membership privileges. Please ask your friendly front desk staff if you have any questions!
YMCA Check In
YMCA members and community participants are required to check in at the Member Service Desk at each visit for security purposes. Membership photos or photo ID is required.
Membership Cards & Photo IDs
Safety is the cornerstone of our facility operations, and member cards (and photo IDs) are essential tools to maintaining safety at all Y locations.

All members 8 years and older receive membership cards. Members under 8 years old must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver who possesses a membership card. Youth <8 years will be checked in manually.

We require that all members, adult and children have a current photo on file in our system. Having pictures of adults and children in our software system ensures those entering into the Y are who they say they are and that our children are with the adults identified on their membership unit. 

Your membership card is very important. Please keep track of it and present it at the welcome center every time you enter a Y location. If you happen to arrive without your card, you may show another form of photo ID such as your driver license to secure entry. The barcode, located on the back of your card, may also be entered into your smart phone/watch using the Green Bay Y app.

If you card does not scan, we will verify your membership by other means, such as an additional form of identification, while you wait. If we find your membership is not current, you may not enter the Y.

Never loan your Y card or transfer your membership to someone else, these actions are grounds for membership privileges suspension.
Nationwide Membership Program
Nationwide membership offers members access to more than 2,700 YMCAs all over the country. Valid for full facility Y members. Nationwide member visitors must use their home Y 50% of the time.
Sex Offender Policy
To help enhance the safety of the members, guests and staff in our facilities, the Y monitors the sexual offender registry. Persons on the registry will not be eligible for membership, guest access or program participation with the YMCA.
Membership Guest Privileges 
Members can bring in 2 community members or guests at a time by purchasing a day pass. Photo ID and day pass application must be completed on all guests. YMCA members are responsible for their guests and must remain in facility.
Refunds & Credits
Credits and refunds are given for the following reasons:

  • Medical condition prevents you from participating
  • YMCA cancels the class (excluding weather cancellations)
  • You transfer to a program with a lower price

Credits expire one year from the date of issue. Please see the member service desk if you need a credit or refund.

Cancellations & Closures 
All cancellation and facility closures are posted to our website, app, and social media sites. Reminder that programs canceled due to inclement weather are not refundable.
Bank Draft Cancellation
To cancel your membership, please stop at the Member Service Desk a minimum of five days prior to your draft date to complete your cancellation request. Your signature will be required to finalize your request.

The monthly draft plan is a continuous membership and will continue until notification to the Y IN WRITING IN PERSON. 

We cannot refund the prepaid portion of your membership. Cancellation of membership is not necessarily cancellation of Annual Campaign deductions and vice versa. 

Member rates are available to individuals who maintain their membership status throughout the entire program duration. If member status changes during a program session, you will be responsible for the prorated, general public rate.
Bank Changes
Please allow 30 days for all bank changes to go through.  

Membership/Account Change request for drafts on the 1st of the month must be received by the 25th of the month prior to when you wish to make the change effective. Membership/Account Change requests for drafts on the 15th must be received by the 10th of the month. The Y is not responsible for any service or overdraft charges.
Membership Rate Changes
Membership rates are subject to change. Members who age into a different membership category will be automatically transferred to the new category and drafted at the new rate. 

All members will be notified in writing prior to any increase in membership category rates. 
Unpaid Fees
Following one month of unpaid membership fees, the Y reserves the right to suspend/hold/terminate membership privileges. The membership will be cancelled if payment has not been made prior to the following draft date. To rejoin or use any Green Bay Y facilities or programs, all past due fees must be paid in full. Credit Card declines/EFT returns will result in a $10 return fee being added to your account. This fee is not removable or refundable. We may continue to run declined payments through at our discretion. 
Membership Assistance Program
The YMCA provides membership and program services to anyone regardless of ability to pay. Financial assistance is made possible through contributions to our Annual Campaign. Specialty programs like Personal Training and Private Swim Lessons are not eligible for financial aid. We cannot auto-apply aid online; eligible members must register in-person or by phone for adjusted rates. For information, call 920 436 9622.
Program Fees & Payments
Full class fees must be paid at the time of registration or scheduled out on their due date. Declined or returned payments may result in the removal of a participant from a program. All declined and returned payments are subject to a $10 return fee. Programs can be cancelled up to the 25th of the month before they start (e.g., cancel June programs by May 25). For cancellations, contact the front desk at 920-436-9622. Late requests must be made through the program leader.
Waitlists for Programs
Members and the general public may be waitlisted for any class that is full. When a class spot opens, the available spot goes to the first person on the waitlist. When contact has been made through phone conversation or a voice message, there is a 24-hour time period to respond. Once that period has lapsed, the opening will go to the next person on the list. Please contact the front desk for further details.
Informed Consent For Program and Recreation Participation
All forms of physical activity involve a risk of injury. By voluntary participation in YMCA programs and activities, you assume and accept any and all risks of injury related to that activity.

On Hold
You can place your membership On Hold for up to 3 months with no dues. This on hold option allows members to temporarily suspend a continuous bank draft. Written notice must be provided 5 days prior to membership draft date. Regular monthly rates will resume once the hold date is complete.  

Privacy Policy

We have adopted and implemented this Privacy Policy as part of our commitment to protecting your personal information from misuse. The YMCA collects both personal information and aggregated information on its websites (collectively, the "Websites").

Information We Collect About You and How We Collect It

We collect several types of information from and about users of our Websites, including information:

  • By which you may be personally identified, such as name, postal address, email address, telephone number, or any other identifier by which you may be contacted online or offline ("personal information");
  • That is about you but individually does not identify you, such as information about your internet connection, the equipment you use to access the Websites and usage details.

Personal Information

You do not have to provide personal information to use our Website. However, particular services provided through the Website require that you furnish personal information. We collect personal information only when you provide it to us, for example, in registering for camps; pledging support to our Annual Campaign; registering information about membership or volunteering at the Greater Green Bay YMCA; purchasing items from our online store; and when taking part in promotional opportunities or registering for general information on programs and services. You may be asked to provide your contact information (such as your name, address, telephone numbers, and/or email address), and demographic information (such as your zip code, location, or age) in connection with your use of such service.

Contact information is used to respond to your inquiries; to notify you in connection with your request for services; register you for programs or services; include you in our communications to members; or contact you with regards to your inquiries from our Website. You also may receive periodic mailings (direct or via email) about our services, updates to our Website, or upcoming events. You may opt out of having your contact information as part of our mailing list at any time. To opt out of any YMCA communications, click the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any YMCA email.

Other Information

We use IP addresses to calculate website usage levels, to gather broad demographic information, and to monitor the level of activity on our site. Whenever you are on the Internet, a number (an IP address) is automatically assigned to your computer. This number is identified and logged automatically whenever you visit our Website. Collecting IP addresses is standard practice on the Internet, and is done automatically by most websites.

Disclosure of Information

We may also disclose personal information, if we believe that we are required to do so by law, to comply with legal process or governmental requests, to enforce the YMCA Code of Conduct, or to protect the rights, property, or safety of the YMCA, its users, or the public. The personally identifiable information that the YMCA collects from you when you pledge your support to the Greater Green Bay YMCA includes: your name, address, email, phone number, and credit card information, when you provide it. The information is used to provide you with a receipt for your gift and to bill your credit card when applicable. We use commercially reasonable efforts to maintain the integrity of all information collected. In order to improve our services to you, we may ask some of our customers to voluntarily complete surveys, which may be collected by an independent third party.  Individual survey answers are confidential, although non-personally identifiable information is collected and may be disclosed to third parties. If you do not wish to participate in a survey, simply decline to participate when asked.

The YMCA offers free electronic newsletters and communications and promotional emails as a service to our customers. The YMCA will send you newsletters and e-mails periodically listing current specials and program and special event information. To stop receiving our newsletter, use the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any email.

If you contact the YMCA or our customer service representatives by telephone, email or letter, we may keep a record of your correspondence or comments. If you report a problem with our Website, we may collect such information in a file specific to you. If you contact us through our feedback area or by calling one of our customer service representatives, we may ask for your name, e-mail address and other information in order to send you a reply. 

We do not currently display advertisements on our site. However, should we at some point decide to allow advertising on our Website, we will update this Privacy Policy to reflect that change. The YMCA expressly reserves the right to track customers’ traffic patterns throughout their online session, including which pages, information and advertisements a customer views while using the site. We may use your IP address to diagnose problems with our servers, software, to administer our site, and to gather demographic information. We may share aggregated statistics about pages viewed on our site.

We do not sell, trade, or license your information to others without your consent. If a customer does not pay us for services ordered, we may submit their account information to a third party collection agency. Except as otherwise stated in this Policy, without your consent, the YMCA does not disclose its customers’ personally identifiable information to other merchants.

The information collected by or for the YMCA may be provided to an outside company for the purpose of analysis. This analysis is to help us to improve our Website, services selection, and to notify you of special offers that may be of interest to you. That data analysis agent may not share any personal information with others, or use it for any other purpose than to help the YMCA. We utilize third party vendors to track cookies’ identification numbers and internal website tracking features to create statistics about our customers and visitors, traffic patterns, and related site information. 

We encourage you to check and promptly update your information if it changes at your home branch. You may ask to have the information on your account deleted or removed; however, because we keep track of past purchases, you cannot delete information associated with past purchases. Also, as a security measure we “back up” the data stored on our systems, and such prior information cannot be completely removed from our databases. As a result, you should not expect that all personal information will be completely removed from our backed-up databases.

Children Under the Age of 13

You must be at least 13-years-old to have our permission to use this site. Our policy is that we do not knowingly collect, use or disclose personal information about visitors under 13 years of age. Users between the ages of 13 and 18 have our permission to browse our Website, however these user’s cannot order services or participate in any offers on the Website, or disclose any personally identifiable information without the contemporaneous consent of a parent or guardian. If you are the parent or guardian of a minor under 18 years of age and believe that they have disclosed personally identifiable information to us, please call (920) 436-YMCA.

When you use our Website we store cookies on your computer in order to facilitate your use of our Website. A cookie is a small text file, which a website stores on your computer's hard drive (if your browser setting permits) that can later be retrieved to identify you to the YMCA and customize your experience.  The cookies make your use of the site easier, make the site run more smoothly, and help us to maintain a secure site.

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this site, please contact the Greater Green Bay YMCA:

  • Greater Green Bay YMCA, 235 N. Jefferson Street, Green Bay, WI 54301
  • marketing@greenbayymca.org.

This Privacy Policy was published on Wednesday, October 30, 2017. If the YMCA makes changes to any terms or conditions of the Privacy Policy, the changes will be posted here so that you will always know what information we gather, how we might use that information, and to whom we will disclose it. The Greater Green Bay YMCA reserves the right to change, modify, add, or remove portions of this policy at any time, and any changes will become effective immediately upon being posted unless we inform you otherwise. 

Terms and Conditions of Use

Please read the following terms and conditions relating to your use of this website carefully. By using this website, you are deemed to have agreed to these terms and conditions of use. We reserve the right to modify them at any time. You should check these terms and conditions periodically for changes. By using this website after we post any changes to these terms and conditions, you agree to accept those changes, whether or not you have reviewed them. If at any time you choose not to accept these terms and conditions of use, please do not use this website.

Scope of Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to your use of this website. These terms and conditions do not apply to your use of unaffiliated websites to which the Greater Green Bay YMCA website only links.

Restrictions on Use of Materials

The contents of the Greater Green Bay YMCA website (the website) are protected by copyright and trademark laws, and are the property of the Greater Green Bay YMCA. Unless we say otherwise, you may access the materials located within the website only for your personal use. This means you may download copies of posted materials for personal, noncommercial use only, so long as you neither change nor delete any author attribution, trademark, legend or copyright notice. When you download copyrighted material, you do not obtain any ownership rights to that material.

You may not modify, copy, publish, display, transmit, adapt or in any way exploit the content of the website. Only if you obtain prior written consent from us — and from all other entities with an interest in the relevant intellectual property — may you publish, display or commercially exploit any material from the website.


For the convenience of our vendors, we may display catalogs of stock images, descriptions and product specifications. While we try to offer reliable data, we cannot promise that the catalogs will always be accurate and up-to-date. You agree that you will not hold our vendors responsible for inaccuracies in their catalogs. The catalogs may include copyrighted, trademarked or other proprietary materials. You may use the catalogs only for informational purposes. You may not use catalog content in a way that infringes or violates the proprietary rights of another.


These terms and conditions apply only to the website, and not to the websites of any other companies or organizations, including those to which the website may link. We are not responsible for the availability of any other website to which the website links. We do not endorse or take responsibility for the contents, advertising, products or other materials made available through any other website. Under no circumstances will we be held responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any loss or damage that is caused or alleged to have been caused to you in connection with your use of, or reliance on, any content, goods or services available on any other website. You should direct any concerns to that website's administrator or Webmaster. We reserve the right, however, to rescind any permission granted by us, and to require termination of linking to the website, at our discretion at any time.


The services materials on the website are provided “as is” and without warranties of any kind, either express or implied.  We disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

We do not warrant that any functions contained in the website will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that the website or the server that makes them available are free of viruses or other harmful components.

We do not make any representations regarding the use or the results of the use of the services or materials in this website in terms of their correctness, accuracy, reliability, or otherwise.  You assume the entire cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction to your system.

Applicable law may not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so the above exclusion may not apply to you.

We do not endorse, warrant or guarantee any products or services offered on the website. We are not a party to, and do not monitor, any transaction between users and third-party providers of products or services.

Limitation of Liability

Under no circumstances, including but not limited to negligence, will we be liable for any special or consequential damages that result from the use of, or the inability to use, the materials on the website, or any products of services provided pursuant to the website, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.  Applicable law may not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability or incidental or consequential damages (including but not limited to lost data), so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.  In no event shall the total liability to you by us or any of our licensors or suppliers for all damages, losses, and causes of action (whether in contract, tort, or otherwise) exceed the amount paid by you to us, if any, for accessing the website.

No Personal Advice

The information contained in or made available through the website cannot replace or substitute for the services of trained professionals in any field, including, but not limited to medical or legal matters. In particular, you should regularly consult a doctor in all matters relating to physical or mental health, particularly concerning any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. We make no representations or warranties concerning any treatment, action, or application of medication or preparation by any person following the information offered or provided within or through the website. We will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary or other damages that may result, including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness or death.

Privacy Policy

We are committed to protecting your privacy and security and have explained in detail the steps we take to do so. We urge you to read our Privacy Policy.


You agree to defend, indemnify and hold us harmless, and our officers, directors, employees and agents, from and against any and all claims, damages, obligations, losses, liabilities, costs or debt, and expenses (including but not limited to attorney's fees) arising from: (i) any breach by you of any of these terms and conditions, (ii) your content and materials, (iii) your use of materials or features available on the website (except to the extent a claim is based upon infringement of a third party right by materials created by us) or (iv) a violation by you of applicable law or any agreement or terms with a third party to which you are subject.

Jurisdictional Issues

We control and operate this website from our offices in the United States of America. We do not represent that materials on the website are appropriate or available for use in other locations. Persons who choose to access this website from other locations do so on their own initiative, and are responsible for compliance with local laws, if and to the extent local laws are applicable.


These terms will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Wisconsin, without regard to any principles of conflicts of law. You agree that any action of law or inequity that arises out of or relates to these terms will be subject to binding arbitration. If any of these terms and conditions is found unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision will be considered severable from the remaining terms and conditions, and will not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions. This is the entire agreement between you and us relating to the subject matter it contains. This agreement may be modified only by our posting of changes to these terms and conditions, or by a writing signed by both parties.

Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA") Notice

Materials may be made available via the website by third parties not within our control. We are under no obligation to, and do not, scan content used in connection with the website for the inclusion of illegal or impermissible content. However, we respect the copyright interests of others. It is our policy not to permit materials known by us to infringe upon another party's copyright to remain on the website.

If you believe any materials on the website infringe upon a copyright, you should provide us with written notice that at a minimum contains:

  1. A physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed;
  2. Identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed, or, if multiple copyrighted works at a single online website are covered by a single notification, a representative list of such works at that website;
  3. Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, and information reasonably sufficient to permit us to locate the material;
  4. Information reasonably sufficient to permit us to contact the complaining party, such as an address, telephone number, and, if available, an electronic mail address at which the complaining party may be contacted;
  5. A statement that the complaining party has a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; and
  6. A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.

All DMCA notices should be sent to our designated agent as follows:

Greater Green Bay YMCA
235 N Jefferson St
Green Bay, WI 54301

It is our policy to terminate relationships regarding content with third parties who repeatedly infringe the copyrights of others.