Y Achievers | Green Bay YMCA Skip to main content


Y Achievers is a program designed to help teenagers (whom we call "Achievers") set and achieve high goals in school and their future careers. But it doesn't stop there; it also teaches them important qualities like being caring, honest, respectful, and responsible. It boosts their self-esteem too. These qualities can help young people lead healthy and successful lives.

How does the Achievers program do all of this? It reaches out to adults in the community who are successful in their careers (we call them "Adult Achievers"). These adults become role models for the teens, and they build lasting relationships. These relationships often center around specific career areas, like business, technology, healthcare, and more. During workshops and meetings, teens learn about different job options in these fields.

The program also offers help with getting ready for college, writing resumes, getting academic support, visiting colleges, and learning about different cultures. Adult Achievers lead the career workshops, teach development sessions, and help run the program.

In regular meetings, students talk about different jobs, do activities, and hear from guest speakers. They also work on leadership skills, communication (like how to present themselves and have good manners), setting goals, and helping their community.

In one-on-one meetings with program leaders, participants start thinking about what they want to do in the future. We want to help them explore careers that interest them.

At optional events outside of school, participants get to visit different places and learn about careers, get a taste of college life, and try new things on special trips.


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Thank you to Miron Construction for their generous support of the Y Achievers program, empowering youth to reach their full potential.

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